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“The child constructs himself.”

At approximately 18 months old, learners can join  the CASA community where basic motor coordination, independence and language development are fostered, and individual personality is respected. This is the time when the learners are using their body senses and their emerging problem-solving to learn about and make sense of their world in the ways most meaningful and effective for them.

It is in this level that a unique cycle of learning is designed to take the advantage of the learners’ sensitive periods. These periods of intense fascination for learning, CASA Montessori Education Program, has classified these characteristics or skills into four(4) groups according to age:

  1. Toddler – 18 months old
  2. Junior CASA –3 years old
  3. Junior Advanced CASA – 4 years old
  4. Advanced CASA – 5 years old

The CASA Montessori Education Program allows the learners to acquire learning from five(5) learning areas:

  • Practical Life
  • Sensorial
  • Language and Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Music, Arts, and culture

Thus, CASA Learners are provided with individualized attention from a Montessori trained teacher  to help them build and develop their skills in five areas: sensory perception, self-help, language, physical and motor skills, and  social and emotional growth.

grade school


The Elementary Montessori Education Program comprises of learners from ages six(6) to eleven years and 11 months old(11.9years old). It is divided into two(2) levels: Lower Elementary ( 6- 8.9 years old) and Upper Elementary (9 to 11.9 years old). This is the stage at which the learners are ready to learn abstract principles, hence, they are taught with the fundamentals in a whole new way as they get older.

At this stage, there appears in the learners a marked development of the “herd instinct” when they seek one another’s company and form into groups of all kinds. Likewise, there is an increased sensibility towards rightness and wrongness of action when they become morally conscious.

Furthermore, the Elementary Montessori Education Program integrates “cosmic education” – symbolizing the whole learner in relation to the whole world and the universe. From this perspective, every topic of education can fall under one of the “Great Lessons”- coming of the Universe and Earth, Coming of Life, Coming of Human Beings, Communication and Signs, Story of Numbers. Therefore, by learning via cosmic education, the learners are gaining knowledge about life, and the universe and everything in it. As Maria Montessori once said, “Free the learners’ potential, and you will transform them into the world”.

Thus, Elementary Montessori Curriculum puts emphasis on Language, Mathematics, Geometry, History, Geography, Biology and Cultural Arts which are aligned with the DepEd Prescribed Curriculum in which learners shall have the following subjects and some added areas for learning:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Filipino
  • Araling Panlipunan (AP)
  • Edukasyon sa Pagpakatao(ESP)
  • Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health (MAPEH) and Swimming  added curriculum
  • Computer and ROBOTICS for Upper Elementary – added subject
  • Christian Living and Values Education( CLVE) – added subject

junior high


The Junior High School Program, is for learners from Grade 7 to 10, whose age group ranges from 12 to 16 based on the recognition of the special characteristics of adolescence. Adolescence is the stage of great social development, critical thinking and re-evaluation, self-concern and self-assessment. Hence, this program provides a new level of independence that leads to be globally skilled, competent, and equipped with confidence and actual skills to live in the real world, bringing in to life Maria Montessori’s insights and vision for educating adolescents.

In addition, the Junior High School classes are characterized by a student-centered approach that enables students to manage time, exercise choice, organize themselves, and practice self-regulation within a group context. This development of independent self-management is crucial to succeeding in higher education and adulthood. Thus, this program provides curricular and co-curricular activities in the process of valorization of the personality of the learners. This is the process where learners are allowed to fully experience their emerging independence and responsibility enabling them to develop the capacity requisite to the challenges of adulthood.

Junior High School learners are academically  equip with the following areas of learning:

  • Communication Arts and Skills (English with Research subjects and Filipino)
  • Mathematics (DepEd designed Math Curriculum and added Accounting Subjects)
  • Science and Technology(DepEd designed Science Curriculum and added Computer Subject and ROBOTICS)
  • Technology and Livelihood Education (DepEd designed TLE and added Entrepreneurial Skills)
  • Araling Panlipunan
  • Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health(DepEd designed MAPEH Curriculum and added Swimming Program)
  • Christian Living and Values Education(CLVE)

senior high


It is further envisioned by the school to help facilitate  a process through which all our Junior High school completers with the academic and lifelong learning skills to be leaders in their  respective communities, and agents of their own success — whether in college, career, or navigating opportunities  and challenges that they will encounter in their lives. With the ranging change in the perspective of our youth brought about by the advancement of technology, this program aims to provide opportunities for our learners to take every rapid economic and social change to grow in all aspects as well as becoming globally competitive and economically independent, living a peaceful and harmonious life.

In addition, this program adopts the “Erdkinder Approach” with “Education 4.0” perspective in an organized school-based set up. It integrates agriculture and entrepreneurship in the academic strands. This is to expose our learners to technologically operated local/international organic farming, handy-business enterprise, and academically inclined career.  Thus, we believe, after graduation our students are ready to face the realm of their chosen endeavor, college life and the real world.

Furthermore, the Senior High School Program provides the students capstone experience through a capstone project. Capstone project is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating academic and intellectual experience for students during their final year of senior high school. It is generally designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems, and develop skills such as oral communication, public speaking, research skills, media literacy, teamwork, planning, self-sufficiency, or goal setting which require skills that will help prepare them for college, modern careers, and adult life.

Latest Campus Update

UPCOMING School Events

  • Oct. 2 First Friday Mass
  • Oct. 5 World Teacher’s Day
  • Oct. 12 ASSS Orientation (HRG Period)
  • Oct. 19-23 Grade 1 to Grade 10 (1st Quarter Exam)


Education is an aid to life.


An ‘ Education for Life’ for learners reaching their fullest potential able to build a peaceful world.


To equip learners with 5E’s:

Eloquence, Economic Independence, Exquisiteness, Exemplar and Excellence based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s philosophy and method of education, within a superior prepared environment.


Design, construct with the LEGO design of machines (robots) to perform tasks done traditionally by human beings



learning management system

school management system

shjms history

Brief History of

Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School

From its humble beginnings in 1976, Sacred Heart of Jesus Pre-school was founded by Ms. Victoria B. Neri, who consequently, was its first classroom teacher; with sixty (60) pupils housed in a two-classroom building.

Armed with the passion to serve the public and the burning desire to further the Educational Competence of its populace, the founder and now School Directress enrolled in numerous Montessori programs such as the national Montessori Proficiency Training in Greenhills, Metro Manila, (1980-1982) which paved the way for the school to be recognized by no less than Mrs. Preciosa S. Soliven, President and Managing Directress of O.B. Montessori Center, for having met the rigorous standards required for all Montessori Schools. In 1982, the School was acclaimed as the first and only genuine Montessori school in Cagayan de Oro City. Full recognition was also awarded by the Department of Education Culture and Sports (DECS).

Due to growing clamor from parents and other observers, the School Administration gave way to the opening of an Elementary School which was subsequently awarded full recognition in 1986. The then two-classroom building has now expanded into a three-storey building to accommodate the ever-increasing enrolment. In 1992, the school was awarded as one of the top five schools of Cagayan De Oro City.

There seem to be no stopping that burning passion, despite the already hectic schedule, the School Directress now School President, with Academic excellence as her goal, she pursued the higher discipline of Montessori Education by enrolling thru correspondence study in a training center in London, England. She continued to pursue Advanced Montessori diploma in Montessori Institute of Milwaukee Incorporated at Milwaukee USA, this time global. To maintain the standards of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), she visited various schools and underwent trainings in the United States of America (USA) and Europe from 1990, 1992, 1997, 2003 and 2004 respectively. The School’s faculty and staff are continuously trained and its facilities upgraded.

At present, the humble Pre-school has now offered Montessori Education from CASA to High School, with two campuses located at Recto Campus at the heart of the City with a four-storey building and Borja Campus located in JR Borja Extension, also with a four-storey building seated in a one-hectare lot area. Consequently, Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School became a member of the Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP).

Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori school, with its Vision “ Education is an aid to life” , continuously works hand in hand with the community ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY!

victoria b. neri

open letter from the president

Dear Parents, 

Never have it dawned on us that such pandemic would affect all peoples of the world.

This crisis indeed has tested our efforts to serve our young. Despite of it all, we are optimistic that we can overcome these trials and we shall prevail.

Our school fully supports the Learning Continuity Plan of DepEd. Hence, we are doing all we can to devise, create and design modalities to better serve our beloved students.

With your support and the guidance of our God Almighty, we shall once more, see your smiles and say “Congratulations” for being triumphant and a job well done.

I pray that you and your children will be safe and shielded by God’s loving arms. Thank you.


Stay up to date with school events or visit your SMS (School Management System) account for more school information about the school activities and events. 

July 31, 2020

Parents Orientation

Annual Parents orientation before classes start.

August 3, 2022

Online Dry run

Students Online Connectivity Dry Run by Department

August 24, 2020

Online & Offline Class

Opening of Online learning and Offline Pick-up class.


"Believes in the potential of the child"

Be a Montessorian!